
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 3 -- another lazy day

As you can see, I'm getting kind of lazy. This is my problem when I start most workout regimens. I get bored with it, really quickly. I've really got to get over all this boredness. I think what I'm going to do instead of the treadmill is take my dog or the dog that we're watching for a walk. I'll probably go out later today with one of them.

Well, I'll edit this post later on and I'll bring pictures of the walk (if it ever happens XD).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 2 -- I was kind of lazy DX

Well, I was kind of lazy yesterday and I didn't really feel like doing my half hour on the treadmill, so I just did a half mile at a fast walk. It was done in about seven minutes. Gotta love the treadmill!

My calves are still hurting like mad. But it feels so good! My knee doesn't hurt anymore, thank goodness. I'm going to go upload some pictures of me exercizing tomorrow. I hope. I never get to doing the things that I want to do. I'm a terrible procrastinator.

Well, I will definately have a handful for the next week. On top of my own year old mutt puppy, I'll have a thirteen week old Newfoundland who doesn't know up from down. Bear's my own baby, and I'll upload some pics of her later. I'll probably get some pictures of Cinder up after I get the pics of Bear (my own dog).

They're so adorable, though! I will definately be taking them on a few walks.

Well, I have to walk over to the school so I can help with the preparations for the school's talent show now, so I'll post pics and another entry tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!<3

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 1!

Well, I don't know if I mentioned that I have arthritis before, but I do. To make it short, I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis last January. That's really what hindered my exercizing. I wasn't able to do indoor track, then I sprained my knee and couldn't do outdoor because of my sprain.

I went to my pediatric rheumatologist at my local hospital, and he said it's been getting better! I'm going to be "weaned" off of the medicine I've been taking for it in about a month or so, and see how I do! It has retreated a bit since our last visit, with my fingers going down from about a half an inch wide to about 3/8s of an inch. So that's good! I also got weighed, and I'm 158 at 6' 1/2". Hopefully that weight will go down! :)

My knee was a pain in the butt today, because when I was heading from lunch to my chorus class, I could barely get up and was in pain all the way to the auditorium. It stopped hurting once I massaged it a bit, and that's good.

Yesterday, I went cross-country skiing for my gym class, so my calves are tight, and that's probably why my knee hurt earlier. It's a good pain, though. It means I'm pushing myself, I guess! Last night, I also did 1.8 miles on my prehistoric treadmill at a fast walk. I'm not quite ready for running yet. That felt so good! I also did 50 crunches on my mom's crunch mechanism (don't ask me what it is... I don't know). My abs feel tired, but again, a good tired.

This morning, I felt so much more energized than I normally do! I went into the band room (like I always do in the half hour before we have to go to first block), and instead of laying my head on a music stand and going to sleep, I was bouncing around the room, helping the instructor bring in instruments from his car, and so much more! It was sooo great!

Well, in conclusion, I feel awesome, just from doing some skiing and fast walking for one day. It was so amazing to feel like I used to when I did track, and it feels so good!

Thanks for reading!
<3 Sarah

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Post 1 -- I'm a bad titler, so I'm just going to say post 1 XD

Well, I just made this blog. Here, I'm going to be tracking my workout for everyone to see, also so that I can remind myself how well I'm doing so that I can be encouraged.

I've never really done a workout regimen before. I've tried, but I quit after the first week at the longest. This will hopefully keep me inspired, so that I can get healthier.

Well, let's see... What about me...

I'm 6 feet tall, and I weigh about 155 pounds. I'm not saying this is bad, because everyone says I'm skinny, but I'm getting a few signs in certain places, and I've decided that I need to start exercizing.

Ummmm... I ride horses and run track, but unfortunately I can't do indoor track because I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The temperature changes where I live screw with my knees too much. In outdoor, I do high jump, so far.

I love the outdoors. Every summer and fall, my family and I go camping in the Adirondack Mountains, especially in Old Forge. It's so pretty up there. I love to hike, and have been on many trails up there. I also love to ski. I have a season pass to a local mountain, where my dad does ski patrol. The place is so amazing. It's so warm and cozy!

Well, I can't remember what else I want to say right now, so I'll stop talking. If I come up with anything, I'll edit this or make a new post.

Thanks for looking at my blog!
<3 Sarah