
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Post 1 -- I'm a bad titler, so I'm just going to say post 1 XD

Well, I just made this blog. Here, I'm going to be tracking my workout for everyone to see, also so that I can remind myself how well I'm doing so that I can be encouraged.

I've never really done a workout regimen before. I've tried, but I quit after the first week at the longest. This will hopefully keep me inspired, so that I can get healthier.

Well, let's see... What about me...

I'm 6 feet tall, and I weigh about 155 pounds. I'm not saying this is bad, because everyone says I'm skinny, but I'm getting a few signs in certain places, and I've decided that I need to start exercizing.

Ummmm... I ride horses and run track, but unfortunately I can't do indoor track because I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The temperature changes where I live screw with my knees too much. In outdoor, I do high jump, so far.

I love the outdoors. Every summer and fall, my family and I go camping in the Adirondack Mountains, especially in Old Forge. It's so pretty up there. I love to hike, and have been on many trails up there. I also love to ski. I have a season pass to a local mountain, where my dad does ski patrol. The place is so amazing. It's so warm and cozy!

Well, I can't remember what else I want to say right now, so I'll stop talking. If I come up with anything, I'll edit this or make a new post.

Thanks for looking at my blog!
<3 Sarah

1 comment:

  1. My name is Sarah too! haha I really can't wait till I can post some more! Excellent first post :D
